Balmain Boys Do Cry

Monday, November 22, 2004

and in "right to arm bears" news...

A dispute among deer hunters over a tree stand in northwestern Wisconsin erupted Sunday in a shooting that left five people dead and three injured, officials said.

The alleged gunman, a man from the Twin Cities area, was arrested Sunday afternoon at the line between Rusk and Sawyer counties, according to Sawyer County sheriff's officials.

The violence began shortly after a hunting party saw a hunter occupying their tree stand, Sawyer County Chief Deputy Tim Zeigle told KSTP-TV of St. Paul, Minn. A confrontation and shooting followed.

One of the shooting victims radioed back to the deer shack for help, he said. When more hunters came to the scene, they also were shot, Zeigle said.

Yet another great reason why guns and (stupid) people don't mix. It cecrtainly dents the arguement that guns are only for hunting. They're for hunting and shooting at people who go near your tree. I'm not going to condemn all gun use, but I have to say I think hunting for sport is a pretty ordinary passtime. Sure, if roos are eating your crops out, you may have to cull a few, but the deer in Wisconsin aren't pests to that degree. - the main danger they pose is to cars hitting them.